OFERTAFleet management

MultiWash is the largest car wash network in Poland, offering standardised car washing and cleaning programmes. The tool available in a free mobile application provides the User with an easy access to a car wash, ensures fast and convenient visit booking and the comfort of cashless settlements. Thanks to MultiWash, you can save 30% of costs related to cleaning and washing of vehicles.


Fleet management


MultiWash is the largest car wash network in Poland, offering standardised car washing and cleaning programmes. The tool available in a free mobile application provides the User with an easy access to a car wash, ensures fast and convenient visit booking and the comfort of cashless settlements. Thanks to MultiWash, you can save 30% of costs related to cleaning and washing of vehicles.

Two convenient

MultiWash service is available in two convenient subscriptions, depending on the needs of your fleet.
  • In the case of FIXED Subscription for washing and cleaning of vehicles (so-called set), the fee amounts start from only PLN 29.90 per month! Moreover, the package includes:
  • VIP Package for the Management Board = the car may be washed as many times as you like
  • Door-to-Door service in the headquarters of the company
  • 50% discount on P6 Programme (interior laundering)
  • Fleet protection programme, i.e. damages monitoring
  • Support of MultiWash infoline seven days a week
  • Washer fluid: PLN 7.90 per month
  • Full insurance of the process of washing and tidying up of vehicles
  • Flexible Subscription will automatically adapt to the monthly use of the services related to your fleet, the set (P2) costs only from PLN 12.90 to PLN 49.90 per month! Moreover, the package includes:
  • VIP Package for the Management Board = the car may be washed as many times as you like
  • 35% discount on P6 Programme (interior laundering)
  • Fleet protection programme, i.e. damages monitoring
  • Support of MultiWash infoline seven days a week
  • Washer fluid: PLN 7.90 per month
  • Full insurance of the process of washing and tidying up of vehicles

Subscription FLEXIBLE

Flexible Subscription in MultiWash is a flexible tool that automatically adopts to the activity of your Fleet. Each employee is assigned one of two programmes: P1 (manual washing and drying of vehicle body) or P2 (so-called set that is manual washing and comprehensive tidying up of a vehicle interior). The price of the service depends on the activity of the users related to the fleet and on the number of your vehicles: from PLN 12.90 to PLN 49.90 for P2 (set).

Subscription FIXED

FIXED Subscription in MultiWash is a fixed price for a selected set of washing and cleaning services for your fleet. Each vehicle user in you company is provided with a selected services package he can use during a month. You can choose from: P1 - vehicle manual washing; P2 - set that is manual washing plus tidying up of the interior; P7 - washer fluid or P8 - interior ozonisation. Fixed Subscription is a perfectly easy-to-use tool for fleet budget planning for your company, the prices of P2 service start from only PLN 29.90 / car!

Other cooperation forms

Flat rate and fleet discount
would you like the price of services in all car washes in Poland to be the same? And, additionally, to get 50% discount, in exchange for the number of the performed services? If yes, you are the person we have created this offer for! Choosing Flat rate and fleet discount, you pay only for the services you have used.

Real costs
The product created for the public sector users, it enables a Customer to pay only for the used services. Each of the MultiWash application users has a pre-defined services limit: a quota one (e.g. up to PLN 100 / month) or quantitative one (e.g. two P1 programmes / month) and access to the entire MultiWash network.

Thanks to MultiWash, my work became more effective and the users of company cars have the tool making their everyday work easier.

Przemysław Jonak


MultiWash programme constitutes a combination of many benefits at one place, by one provider. Thanks to MultiWash subscription, we get, among others, one summary invoice, deferred payment deadline and no hidden costs.

Witold Bednarczyk

Pfizer Polska

The best thing about taking care of company cars on regular basis is that employees are very satisfied using clean cars and some cars look brand new after 3 years of use.

Paweł Bielecki


We chose MultiWash services because our company is very pro-environment and manual car washes use up three times less water and emit three times less CO2 compared to automatic car washes.

Karol Ruciński

SAS Institute

Thanks to MultiWash service, we can wash our fleet cars across the country, including trucks disinfection required under regulations of Sanitary Epidemiological Service.

Kuba Tomaszewski

Victoria Cymes

Convenient subscription for washing and cleaning vehicles in the largest hand car wash network in Poland
COMMUNITYMultiWash in Social Media
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APPLICATION Download MultiWash
MultiWash mobile application is available in Google Play, AppStore and Huawei App Gallery.
Huawei App Gallery